Saturday, 7 June 2014


Solar Appointment Setting

Campaign Start Date: ASAP

Campaign End Date: TBD

Leads: Provided

CRM: Provided

VoIP: Not Provided

Campaign Details
Qualifiers that will be verified and confirmed by the company to make it a “billable” event:
Verify Homeowner
Energy bill amount is more than $120
All decision makers must be present
1 hour to 1.5 hour appointment availability time.
No energy discounts on bill (i.e. medical discounts)
Good or better credit (660+ fico)
No Bankruptcies, foreclosures, or loan modifications
Optional: cell number and email address
Company will confirm appointment on or before the appointment.

Payout per lead: $30 Per Confirmed Appointment

Payout per hour: $7.50 per hour with 2 confirmed appointments 

per day, per agent.

Billing period: WEEKLY

Pay Terms: Weekly Net 7 - week starts on Saturday ends on Friday; invoice Friday- paid every Friday

ROYALTY: 15% on every Billing
                      10% on every Billing ( Rs.15,000 Consultancy charge must be paid at the time of sign up)

Other Terms

Hours of operation: TBD
DID: TBD.  Option to live transfer or post lead via CRM provided by client.


Hi, ______, my name is _______ and the reason I called you is that we are working with some of your neighbors to cut their rising energy costs. 

What we've discovered in your community is that on average we are able to cut thousands of dollars on electricity expenses per household and in some cases save up to 70% on their monthly bills.

If I could show you a way to lower your electricity bills every month by going Solar and it didn't cost you any upfront money, would you be interested? [Must be YES]

Ok, I will run a quick savings check for you but I need to ask some quick questions to calculate your savings.

1. You are the homeowner, correct? [Must be YES]

2. What's your average electricity bill? [dq < $120]

3. Is your roof shaded at all? (No shade, a little shade, a lot of shade, uncertain) [dq "a lot of shade]

4. How would you rate your credit? (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)
a. {If they are reluctant, explain that this is used to calculate cost (if any) of the unit based on leasing and financing options. No credit is run and an estimate is fine.}

Ok, so this is only a rough estimate, but based on your information, it looks like we could save you about 58% each month and if your credit is decent like you believe it is, you shouldn't have any upfront expenses.

Would it be alright if I had our specialist meet with you tomorrow or the next day at your home? (ONLY BOOK APPOINTMENTS WITHIN 72 HOURS OUT) They will give you an exact quote including the Federal, State and Local Government rebates. I promise it will be worth your time to sit with our specialist for only about 1hour. [Must be YES]

Great, let me confirm that I have all of your information correct.



Thank you for your time today. One of our specialists will be calling you back to confirm the appointment with us for (DATE AND TIME)!

Have a great day!

Interested Centers, may call us for further discussion. Our contact details  are below. 

Please do not write in, asking for details, since all details are already given above.

skype: abhi9903333376
phone number : 09903333376
email id:
website :

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